I am very enthused about recent developments all around! I have found someone in N. Va who wants to get in a game or three..and we're in the process of planning something for this weekend. I know, better get a bloody move on on it! I have been working on some 15mm items for Sci-fi...I'll have the first pics up soon! Let's just say John Connor's going to need more firepower!
In other news, I am planning how to use Ambush Alley to reflect terminators and Xenomorphs ala Aliens. I know, I could wait for the Sci-fi expansion, and I think it's going to be Stargrunt good, but honest, I have never been all that good at waiting. Frankly..it's a shame 20mm Sci-fi never had quite the audience 15s did. But that's alright, with the 15mm sci-fi renaissance being what it is now, I am kept quite happy...methinks I will work on my Imperial Marines next. After that, who else, but Hammer's Slammers!
My main problem? Coming up with inspirations for all of the armies I have in 15mm. Frankly, I don't want to paint variations of the same, but to have some really creative ideas. So, fellows out in Blogland, send me ideas! Links especially.