21 September 2009

Been a fairly good week thus far, things are beginning to pick up again

It's been a productive weekend, sort of. I got my entry for Ambush Alley's Raid contest done, but I think it probably needed a lot more polish IMHO. Oh well, an improved version of it will be in the "Blood Upon The Risers" project of mine. I missed the Britannia contest deadline on the Guild, but with all that was happening, making it might have been a bit much to expect.

Speaking of Ambush Alley, I picked up their new Operation Uruzgan supplement. It's nice and though I don't play Afghanistan or Iraq, it's got some good sci-fi adaptability for a little sci-fi universe I am gelling in my noggin. More on that later.

I am also trying to score a ride to the HMGS Game Day , so if anyone in blogland out there is in the DC area and going, I can split gas money or come to some arrangement? Let me know care of this blog. Blackstone, already know this month is bad for you, so I know the answer already. It's cool.

I promise more activity soon, but I just wanted to keep everyone apprised, as it has been quiet of late. Ta-Ta for now all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    I bought Op Uruzgan too and came to the ame conclusions about it's usefulness for Sci Fi.

